31. Dezember 2011

Marble Roller Coaster Level 5

Last year my brother have me the #unseenuniversity cut out book (which I haven't finished yet), this year I got this for Christmas:

16m rails
500+ parts
They are not.

Estimated build time is 7h - but it took longer, especially the quadruple looping was really tricky. Had to rip it completely out and build it new as it was impossible to fine-tune the first build. 

It's working!
After that I had to build a rail RIGHT THROUGH it,
which took me a while and some additional material like woodsticks and twine

because the looping's axis was not as straight as in the manual.
two thirds done ...
12/31/2011 0:15: Finished!
It took about an hour to make the seesaw work (lower right part)
- especially because it won't work  if  you do it according to the manual.
And the end of the single looping was a real bitch - the marble lost too much of it's momentum to enter the elevator.

And then I was too tired to make a video, this pictures and this post so I made them in the morning. Stupid of me to not take more pictures in progress ... but at least:

Here's the video @ YouTube.

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